Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alan's trip to Wulai

I went to Wulai with my classmates on Wed. July 29.We walked and walked. We walked past a train station. So everyone started to be lazy and said they wanted to ride on the train. We voted wanted to ride on the train except Arthur and Teacher Mike. The train was small and slow. The bad thing is I can't ride the same train together.

When I looked up, the train trip was over. So everyone got off the train and went on walking again Teacher Mike took us to a beautiful river. The water was clean. Teacher Mike taught us how to skip rocks. That is when you throw a rock, it bounces on water. It was hard to learn but I learned it. Derek picked some nice stones for me. I threw it and it bounced four times! Derek and I were both glad about that, but we needed to move on.

We walked awhile longer. We stopped in front of a market street. Teacher Mike said we could go in the street in groups for ten minutes. So, I walked with my group and Derek's group because we are friends. On the way, we saw a lot of food stores and cold drink stores, but what I wanted to see was a toy store. Finally, at the end of the market street I saw a toy store. So, I dashed in with excitement. I bought a small sword. It was expensive but I like it. The scary thing is the small sword is a little bit sharp. It can even cut paper!

It was a fun trip to Wulai. I think everyone should take a trip there.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,my friend
    I like what you wrote up there,
    it seen excited!!!
    I like the sentence saying (because we are friend)
