Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Alan in Da Wu Lun Battery

My class went to Keelung on Wednesday. Our first stop was Da Wu Lun Battery. The weather washot because of the sun. It made it harder to walk expecialy when we were waalking up hill. We needed to walk 2.8 kilometers! It was cooler when we were on the stairs, becausethe trees' shade covered us. On the way we saw colorful lizards, spiders, grasshoppers, snails, and even a nest on the groud! On top of the stairs there was a place where everyone could see the sea. When I saw it in my own eyes. It was magnificent! We also saw the place where the soldier use to hide and live when there is a war. It was cool!


  1. Good shot! You look very cool! I love it.

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