Monday, August 10, 2009

Alan's Profile

English name: Alan
Chinese name: 張久倫
Age: 12
Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Lord Of the Rings
Favorite Books: Warriors
Hobbies: playing computer
Quote: If your thinking anyway, think BIG!
-Donald Trump
Bio: I was born in Taipei. Before I went to kindergarten, my dad had to go to China for work, so my mom and I came back to Taiwan because I needed to go to kindergarten. I liked listening to stories and I hate melons!

I am in sixth grade now . I am not interested in listening to stories anymore, but I still hate melons! I study in Nan-Hu Elementary School. I spend most of my time with my mom because my dad goes to China for work . My best friend is Derek. We always get in trouble in Chuck School. That's school where we study English.

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