Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Arthur's Trip To YingGe

We went to yingGe by bus.A teacher taught us how to make our own craft project.I made a clock cup.When it's 12:00, it will"coo-koo." Also, it has 365 days!
Our next stop was Ceramics Park. We took 5 papers to make rubbings in different places. While it was rubbing my third one, Max was chasing me! That made me feel scared. But the funniest thing was Ray's big bottle was lost! But we saw a bigger bottle, that was RAY's! So we solved this probelm. That was cool!
The last stop was YingGe Lao Jie. We saw a lady making a sound from the ocarina. We even saw a cool car. The man who lost the water bottle made a picture too! I almost forgot, we hade goto another Craft Work Shop too!
What a happy day!

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