Thursday, February 4, 2010

Max Learns about Taipei

We took the MRT to see all the Taipei. We went to the 4th floor. There was a TV that told about Taipei. I found a very cool place. There was a map of Taipei under a clear floor.

Next, we went to the 3rd floor. There was radio. We saw saomething people could run on and the TV would move.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Max's Trip to YingGe

We took a school bus to Ying Ge. First, we went to the Ceramics Museum. Some teachers told us how to make clay things. I made a big lion head.

Next, we went to Ceramics Park. We ate lunch. We got five rubbings in five different colors. And Ray lost his water bottle.

Last, we went to YingGe Lao Jie old street. Someone bought a harp. We played Harry Potter. We saw a very cool car. We took a Picture of it.

Arthur's Trip To YingGe

We went to yingGe by bus.A teacher taught us how to make our own craft project.I made a clock cup.When it's 12:00, it will"coo-koo." Also, it has 365 days!
Our next stop was Ceramics Park. We took 5 papers to make rubbings in different places. While it was rubbing my third one, Max was chasing me! That made me feel scared. But the funniest thing was Ray's big bottle was lost! But we saw a bigger bottle, that was RAY's! So we solved this probelm. That was cool!
The last stop was YingGe Lao Jie. We saw a lady making a sound from the ocarina. We even saw a cool car. The man who lost the water bottle made a picture too! I almost forgot, we hade goto another Craft Work Shop too!
What a happy day!

Ray's trip to YingGe

Ray trip to Taipei Coanty YingGe Ceramics Museum.

I went to Taipei Coanty yingGe Ceramies Museum,I made a sun cup,It had big sun,small people, small house and also a cup.It was pretty.I like it very much.

Then,I went to ceramics park.I heard music,and five colors.Then I ate lunch.My lunch was rice and cookies.It was very good,Then I lost a waterbottle.I was sad and angry.then I played in the sand and ran.

Next,I went to yingGe Laojie(old street)I heard sound from the 陶笛.That sound was very good,I liked it,but I didn't buy it.Then I ate strawberry egg cake.It was very good,I liked it.

Then we drove back to Chuck.I was sad because my waterbottle was gone

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ray Goes To Sanzhi

Ray goes to Sanzhi, I went to the puppet museum.We heard music inside the puppet

museum.We saw a movie about the puppets.

Then we went to the Sea Shell temple.I saw a big stone and many shells and puff fish.

I went to the windmills.I saw a big electricity meter,I liked it.

I went to a Fountain and bridge.I saw a big fountain,a long bridge and a river. I liked this fountain.It was very big.

Arthur Goes To San Zhi

Nice to see you again. I'm Arthur. We went tothe Puppet Museum. It was a long trip, but after the long trip, I thought we could took many pictures with my teammates. Ray didn't like to take pictures? That was a big probelm. I still took a picture of him on the big stage. The driver gave us a puppet show too! We even played the music for the bus driver. That was fun!
Next, we went to the Sea Shell Temple to ate lunch. After lunch, we went under the Shell Hole. The Temple was made of shells', so we needed to becareful. Ray made a wish" I wish my grandma won't be sick."
Then, we went to see Windmills. We had a race to see who will be the winner to the Windmill no.1. Teacher's son was......" Number one!!!!!!" After the race, we saw the wind speed was as fast as I thought! Teacher's kid said that the blade maybe could fall down and hit everyone.
Last, we went to see a watermill. It was raining when we got there. We walked over the bridge. The bridge shook when the bus driver walked on it. That made me feel so scared. But we still had a happy day there.

Max goes to sanzhi

First, we got a school bus to the Puppet Museum. We saw many puppets. Someone bought candy. Some made a puppet show.

Next, we went to the Sea Shell Temple. We ate lunch at the Sea Shell Temple. I ate a lot. I ate my chuck lunch plus four bowls of noodles! We went under the tunnel. The tunnel was very long. It looked like a prison too!

Then, we went to see Windmills. There were six windmills. The Windmills looked like they would crashed down to our head. Someone were afraid of the Windmills.

Last, we went to see a Fountain and bridge. The bridge was very long and very big. The weather was raining. Everyone took out an umbrella.